Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday is a day of rest

Well deserved rest you can bet on that. I got to go to church today. I have missed going, but am of the belief that I don't have to be in an actual church to practice my faith. Believe me, I pray all Sunday long. LOL! It was nice seeing the friends that I have there! So I am thankful today for being for having today off to go to church with my family.

I wanted to post a couple of pics from the race yesterday. I think I actually still have runners high! What a great day for running and it was a great run for me.

A special thanks to our official photographer Christine Flowe! We would not have these memories if not for you!

1 comment:

Tam said...

Great pics! I had my runner's high all day yesterday too. Sadly it wore off when I walked into the office this morning, haha.