Sunday, February 21, 2010

Back on Track

After a few weeks of yucky weather and not really able to run outside, we finally got a nice weekend with sunshine. I so should be out on my bike right now but I have swim clinic to go to and really cannot afford to miss that. I am vowing this week to get back on track with my training for The Flying Pig and the White Lake Sprint II.

In May I have two very important events scheduled. I am not really sure how smart it was to plan them back to back but oh well bought and paid for, so I am going to do my very best at completing them to best of my ability. The first of course is the The Flying Pig Marathon and the following weekend I race in the White Lake Sprint II Triathlon. I really just want to swim better this year than the horrible attempt at it last year. That was my first open water event so I should really cut myself some slack. So as long as it does not take me 49 minutes, I will be very happy.

Due to the weather I have not been as motivated to train like I should. It is cold in the mornings and I have had a hard time getting up like I should. Well that ends NOW!

We got back on track with our mileage yesterday for the The Pig. We ran 11.5 miles and it was good. I had some kind of stomach something hit me Friday and really didn't feel up to running that long yesterday but I knew I had to. The work has to be put in to get the job done on May 2nd. So I pushed through it. I did have to walk for brief periods of time after 8 miles but hey better than not doing it all. I personally hate to have to walk, to me it makes me feel weak and like I failed. Oh well.....That is just my negative other personality talking. I didn't fail. How many other people ran 11.5 miles yesterday? Not many I am sure.

So my vow this week is to get back on track. Be up and out the door to train in the morning. I might need some wake up calls!

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