Monday, March 2, 2009

I love snow

Today we woke up to a winter wonderland here in the central part of NC. I had to share a photo or two with you.

I turn into a kid when they call for snow. Of course we went to the grocery store for the essentials. I sat on the couch and waited all day long. Then when it started I was up and down looking at it to make sure it hadn't stopped and that is was sticking. I made my usual phone call to my dad to see what it was doing at his house. This is a family tradition so to speak. My grandmother called everyone no matter what time to tell you the first flake had fallen. No need for sitting by a window then, she was always happy to be on weather duty. This is absolutely the most beautiful sight I think there is. So that meant not much sleep because I thought if I closed my eyes it would stop. Well the snow continued and blanketed the ground and streets.

I hope that if you have to get out in it, you will be safe!

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